You will find below all the information relating to the conditions of use of the Assess Manager group sites
Site creator: Assess Manager SASU
Company name: Assess Manager SASU with capital of 10,000 euros
SIRET: 523 6746 6100 039 R.C.S.: Nantes B 523 674 661
Intracommunity VAT number: FR64523674661
Address: 26 rue de KERVEGAN 44000 Nantes – France
Phone number: 33 2 28 23 00 44
E-mail address:
Publication manager: Virginie LOISEL
Contact the publication manager:
Contact the webmaster:
Site hosted by: HOSTINGER 143 Rue Emile Julien, 34070 Montpellier, France Tel: 08 92 97 70 93
Other documents :
1. Charter for the protection of personal data collected via the online questionnaire
2. Charter for the protection of customers’ personal data
3. General terms and conditions for the provision of services

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