They have placed their trust in us

Quelques unes de nos références

Fabienne GUILLOU – UPS HR Director

Some managers came knocking on my door to thank me for having helped them experience this Assessment with you. It’ssomething quite unprecedented.”


Consultant Search, Randstad Search & Selection

The Assess Manager test enables us to detect and reveal candidates’ potential in terms of both personality and managerial skills.

Patrice DELFOUR, Coach and Trainer

Assess Manager is a time-saving, awareness-raising tool… which helps you to draw up an appropriate and efficient action plan.”


Magali ERB

Directrice du Développement – Randstad Search & Selection

The Assess Manager solutions enable us to secure our recruitment and build a personalised integration programme.

Yves Gruenais, EMS Coach

The management book that accompanies the skills framework is a real treasure: it’s educational and never dulls the reader. And if readers are comfortable with certain passages, they can speed things up depending on their maturity, what they’re looking for and their current management context. Useful for readers… And to companies



Coach et Formateur

“The Assess management test helps me to put words to intuitions, to clarify perceptions so that I can provide more effective support”.

Rachel, Industrial Director, feedback on her Assessment experience

I found it incredible how a simple 20-minute questionnaire was able to highlight areas for improvement in me that I didn’t necessarily want to see. With the benevolence of a consultant, I was able to pinpoint my areas for improvement, which will enable me to feel more at ease in my job and even progress

To go further with Assess Manager