The manager’s competencies are compiled in the Management Competency Framework: 5 years of R&D. It is universal and adapts to different corporate cultures while respecting their specific characteristics.

Management skills framework – an established standard
- Summary of the management competency framework: Management White Paper.
- Complete management skills reference book: “Le management à porter demain” (2 volumes).
- Comparative study of 8,000 people and distinctive assessment of managerial skills by level of responsibility, from operational manager to director.
This enables companies to influence their corporate culture through management, and provides tangible benchmarks for what is expected of the function.
While management is an almost innate skill for some, it requires learning and experience for others. Laying down a framework of expected skills, via a universal and reliable “management skills reference framework”, enables managers to set objectives for progress, while at the same time giving them a clearer perspective of their role.
The Assess Manager management test makes direct use of this reference framework to carry out the managerial assessment
Management skills framework: What skills?

This graph shows the results of a manager’s assessment:
- He exceeds the expectations for the skills “Conveying a vision” and “Taking decisions”;
- He is within expectations for almost all the other skills;
Each skill is broken down into sub-skills depending on the managerial role held (operational / cross-functional / strategic, etc.). A detailed table provides a more detailed analysis of a manager’s strengths and areas for improvement.
The skills required are not at the same level for a manager of managers and a cross-functional manager, compared with an operational mana
What are the qualities of the best managers?
The table below shows, in the 3rd column, what is expected of managers of managers. The rates expected for an operational manager are different.

You can take the Assess Manager test to make full use of this benchmark of managerial skills.
From the managerial skills repository to the team training plan
The sum of several managers’ results can be grouped together. In this way, we can produce training recommendations for an entire group of managers.
If you are a company and want to create a tailor-made training plan for a group of managers, you can use MyCampusManagement”
What is the purpose of a management skills repository?
If companies need to share a vision of the company and objectives that reflect an underlying strategy, the same applies to management skills.
I am a manager, but what is expected of me in this role? What skills do I need to mobilise, and develop if I feel weak in one of them? What do I have to do apart from passing on my expertise?
How can the managerial skills framework proposed by Assess Manager be used within the company?
- To give managers common reference points for the general expectations of the job
- To guide managers’ actions in their day-to-day work
- To establish the values associated with the managerial skills reference framework: ways of speaking, the relationship with requirements and quality, the relationship with stress and the management of the quantity of work, etc.
- To guide the ways in which we interact in order to achieve the expected results.
You can add to it, or weight the skills according to the culture of your company. These skills are adapted to all companies for the managerial function.

Training offered: We can help you to get to grips with the questionnaires
questionnaires and interpreting the results.
Register for sessions via your partner area
Theoretical and practical input on the universal management skills framework
The universal nature of the framework is due to the fact that the skills set out apply to all managers: hierarchical, operational, strategic, cross-functional, remote, etc.
Managers draw on skills, whatever their role. However, the weighting of the skills used varies according to their function.
Customise the management skills repository
Each managerial skill is broken down into 2 to 4 sub-skills, which correspond more to a strategic or operational level.
- Individual and collective diagnosis of managerial skills
- Training recommendations in a summary table (individual and collective)
- Tools and solutions for developing managerial skills
Some companies, which already have their own managerial skills framework, ask us to build a technical and scientific bridge between their expectations and the Assess Manager test. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have similar expectations.
Developing a management skills framework within the company: additional benefits
Sharing this management skills repository brings major benefits: working together, reinforcing a manageable culture, optimising costs.
The Assess Manager managerial skills benchmark is used in tests during the recruitment phase for new staff. It is also used to validate internal mobility : from team member to manager, for example, or from operational manager to manager of managers.
The management skills repository is also sometimes incorporated into manager interview materials (assessment grid).
You can also use the management test to identify talent within the company.
Other useful links

To go further with Assess Manager