Managerial courage – the 21st century paradox

Découvrez l'importance du courage managérial dans le monde professionnel moderne et explorez les défis auxquels les managers sont confrontés au 21ème siècle.

Courage managérial - le paradoxe du 21ème siècle

“Accelerated movement, increasing decision-making, umbrellas to cover oneself… In the age of holacracy and the liberated company, which advocate collective intelligence and happiness at work set up as a religion of management, the company may be reaching its climax in the demand for managerial courage to achieve in order to hold the role

January 2018: the managerial courage indicator is included in the Assess Manager test

Managerialcourageis a central theme in business, but what exactly are we talking about?
Illustration of managerial courage in the negative” We have to do reporting: I know, it’s going to take time and we’ll be less focused on our job, but we have to do it, that’s how it is. I’m well aware that it’s still a constraint, but we have no choice”.

  • Is it a question of supporting a decision you don’t believe in?
  • Taking responsibility, whatever the cost, for choices that are not your own, even if it means denying yourself?
  • Is it about demonstrating unfailing ‘virility’?
  • Why talk about a 21st century paradox when you talk about managerial courage?

6 key points to help you better understand managerial courage

To go further with Assess Manager